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BRD is the co-organizer of TechFest, Transylvania’s first technology festival

There are ten days dedicated to IT industry and to devotees of innovation and  technologies The umbrella-event includes conferences, hackath...


Super-writing awards, the 6th edition

The twenty-six awards this year were announced by Foundation Friends For Friends on 16 November at Gala Superscrieri VI (Super-writings Gala VI) from ...

Cultural Hotspot

Pages of happiness at Gaudeamus 2016

Between 16 and 20 November 2016, BRD participated in the 23rd edition of Gaudeamus International Book and Education Fair from Bucharest.  Late...


„Manifest for dialogue”: about the education in the family

What does it mean to be a minor in Romania? Do we need a school for parents?...

Cultural Hotspot

Apollo 111, mission on Terra

On Friday, 25 November 2016, Apollo111 opened another space for independent theatre in Bucharest, founded by actor Bogdan Dumitrache together with Căt...

Important events

In accordance with art.113 letter A of CNVM Regulation No....